Contemplative senior woman overlooking a tranquil lake, representing the thoughtful consideration of cremation cost comparison.

You may have heard that cremation is more affordable than burial. And, for the most part, that is an accurate statement. However, you need to know more about funeral costs before you purchase cremation services from a local funeral home. Here’s what you need to understand before making an accurate cremation cost comparison between providers. 

Cremation Cost Comparison: Two Important Factors to Consider

Most funeral homes offer cremation services. They either have their own crematorium or outsource cremation to a provider in the area. However, before you purchase a cremation package from a funeral home, consider these factors that determine the average cremation cost – the type of funeral service and the provider. 

Type of funeral service

Most funeral homes have cremation packages. However, you’ll notice that some cremation packages are priced the same or more than a burial. This is often the result of the type of memorial service you choose.

For example, having a traditional funeral is important for some families. A “traditional” funeral often refers to services where the body is placed in a casket for viewing. You can have this type of funeral for your loved one, followed by either burial or cremation. However, if you are concerned about funeral expenses, consider another option.

Direct cremation service is typically the most affordable cremation package. In direct cremation packages, the deceased is transported immediately after death to the cremation center. The family later receives the cremated remains and can choose to have them present during the memorial service.

Direct cremation is considered the most basic cremation service because there are fewer transportation costs. You also don’t have to pay for the preparation of the body for viewing. Also, with direct cremation, the family must only purchase a low-cost cremation casket

A heartfelt conversation between a young woman and an elderly lady, discussing the financial aspects and personal value of cremation cost comparison.

Cremation service provider

One of the other most significant factors in cremation costs is the funeral service provider. 

We’re all familiar with the services a funeral home provides. A funeral home can help you with all types of funeral arrangements – from traditional burial to direct cremation. They also have funeral ceremony facilities and offer various caskets and urns for purchase.

Because funeral homes have a lot of costs associated with the upkeep of the facility, which often includes chapels and other gathering spaces, they may have to charge more for their cremation services. In fact, you may see a charge for “basic services” on the funeral bill. Direct cremation costs more at funeral homes than from direct cremation providers. (And the cremation process is the same regardless of the provider.)

If you are concerned about the costs of a funeral, direct cremation from a direct cremation provider is your most affordable option. You’ll receive the same service as a full-service funeral home (including help with the cremation permit and death certificate.) 

Smart Cremation is a direct cremation provider serving Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, and Washington. If you are concerned about memorial service costs, visit us on our website and learn more.

Key Takeaways About Funeral Costs

  • Direct cremation is the most affordable end-of-life service.
  • To save more, consider seeking help from a direct cremation facility in your area.

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Published On: February 12th, 2024Categories: Articles