Cremains (or cremated remains) is a more accurate label for the commonly used phrase “cremation ashes.” After all, the remains you receive as a result of your loved one’s cremation aren’t ashes but are instead the bodily remains of the person you loved.
Even though we will use the phrases “ashes” and “cremains” interchangeably for this article, it’s worth remembering that they are your loved one’s remains. Therefore, as you consider the permanent resting place for the human ashes, you should consider how to best honor your loved one.
Options for Storing Your Loved One’s Cremains
If your loved one recently passed, you may be considering all of your options regarding what to do with the cremation ashes. Here are some ideas for a temporary or final resting place for the remains.
Cremation Burial
Your loved one may not have opted for a traditional burial, but that doesn’t mean you can’t purchase a burial plot to provide a permanent resting place for your loved one’s ashes. This may be the perfect option if a couple chooses different methods of disposition but still want to remain together forever. (For example, you can bury your father’s ashes next to your mother’s casket.)
Green cemeteries are available in some communities. If this type of cremation burial appeals to you, check with the cemetery to see what kind of biodegradable urn is preferred.
Above Ground Burial Space
Some faith groups encourage a permanent resting space for cremated remains. While burial is undoubtedly an option, you might consider placing the ashes in a columbarium niche or within a mausoleum.
Scattering Ashes
Scattering cremains is certainly another popular option. You can pay to place the remains in a scattering garden, which will give you a specific place to visit when you wish to reflect on your loved one’s life. You can also pay for scattering at sea.
Some families choose to scatter their loved one’s ashes on their private property. Ensure you understand the local and national laws before spreading ashes within public spaces such as National Parks.
Cremation Urns
Some families prefer to keep the remains of their loved ones close. If so, they may purchase a cremation urn to be displayed in their homes. Other families may divide the loved one’s cremains so that family and friends can each have a small portion of their deceased loved one. When it is separated, some choose to store the cremated remains in a keepsake urn or inside cremation jewelry.
Cremation Jewelry
Cremation jewelry refers to a ring, pendant, or cremation bracelet that holds a tiny portion of the ashes. However, “cremation jewelry” can also refer to having ashes incorporated into gems or using ashes to grow memorial diamonds.
Frequently Asked Questions About Cremains
Why are cremation ashes called cremains?
Cremains are called cremated remains to reflect what the ashes are more accurately. These are the bodily remains of your loved one that has been through the cremation process and pulverized into a fine powder.
How long can ashes be kept after cremation?
Typically, ashes can be kept for as long as you like. There is no time limit on how long cremation ashes can be stored.
What are some ideas for storing cremains?
Some families keep the cremation ashes in a temporary urn until they decide on a final resting place. Other popular options include scattering the ashes, burying, or keeping the ashes in a cremation urn.
Do human cremains have a smell or odor?
No, the cremains do not have a smell or odor. The cremation process eliminates any scent that might be present.
Why is it called when cremains are buried?
Burial is a common option for storing cremated remains. When the ashes are buried, it is typically in a separate burial plot from caskets since the ashes take up much less space. Some families choose to bury the ashes of their loved ones next to other family members buried in traditional caskets.
What is the difference between cremains and remains?
Cremains are the ashes of a human body that have been pulverized through the cremation process into a fine powder. Remains refer to any part of the human body left behind after death. This can include bones, skin, organs, and tissue.
Interested in Choosing Cremation?
You care about honoring your loved one’s memory and selecting the perfect home for your loved one’s cremated remains. However, you would like to save money on your loved one’s end-of-life services.
If this describes you, contact Smart Cremation. Smart Cremation offers affordable and compassionate direct cremation services in California, Washington, Oregon, Texas, Arizona, Florida, and Nevada. Contact us today to learn about our easy-to-use cremation planning service.